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In this article we will implement the features of importing and exporting records through .CSV files

BIOLAB is a startup that aims to train healthcare professionals. Read more and I know this project!

In this quick-read article we will implement the use of QR Code for a contact list.

In this article I show you how easy it is to develop a chat room where messages are delivered to everyone who is connected.

Do you know the difference between the features that Hotwire Turbo offers? Then this article may be of interest to you!

In this article I show you how to create the infinite scroll effect without using JavaScript. As a bonus, I will also give you two more tips that can help a lot when creating a blog.

Rails Pixels is a creative application designed to demonstrate how ActiveJobs and TurboStreams work. Let's color some pixels together?

Learn how to implement a dynamic select with Rails and Hotwire. In this tutorial, I'll show you how to do it from scratch with a practical example and lots of details.

To Do List Turbo is a task list application that allows you to create, edit, and remove tasks. In this article, I'll show you how to do this with Hotwire Turbo.

Know the difference between scaling an application horizontally or vertically and find out why scalability is important for a Ruby on Rails application.

p5.js is a JavaScript library for creative coding, with a focus on making coding accessible and inclusive for artists, designers, educators, beginners, and anyone else!

Application developed as a prototype for mapping clients and graduating classes for the Cross Formaturas company

Send hundreds of personalized text messages in minutes without adding contacts to your mobile device with SenderApp for WhatsApp.

Development of logo and visual identity for a physiotherapy professional, with a focus on highlighting her name in the segment.

Dynamic site developed in Laravel 8.0 and MySQL, containing Blog, Image Upload, Online Chat, Google Analytics and more.

Material developed for the Solidarity Campaign Hunger for Action - Feeding Lives and Warming Hearts.

Project developed for the 1/3 Doctor party with the Med in Vegas theme. Customer Cross Premium | Cross Formaturas | Medicine Class T1 - Campo Real - Guarapuava.

Exhibition of luxury invitations developed for Cross Graduations in the year 2019.

‘It’s Wine’ is a visual identity proposal for a company that operates in the wine trade.

Project developed to promote the second edition of the CerveGeada 2019 party organized by Cross Formaturas company.

Project developed to promote the second edition of the Inter Colégios party organized by Cross Formaturas company.

The Bonde do P.C.C is the union of the 'Pandemia', 'Cacique' and 'Calango' Athletic Associations. The project arose from the union of the three athletic associations to participate in the excursion to Universipraia 2019.

This project was developed for the Academic Athletic Association of Applied Social Sciences Unicentro Guarapuava, for the Econo 2019 event.

Exhibition of luxury invitations developed for Cross Graduations in the year 2017.

Exhibition of luxury invitations developed for Cross Graduations in the year 2017.

Exhibition of luxury invitations developed for Cross Graduations in the year 2017.

Creation of the visual identity for the Cross Graduations brand.